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We are constantly adding new themes to this list. Send any suggestions to with the subject line “Bingo Theme Idea”.
“American” Tunes | Songs with America/American/USA in the title |
21st Century Pop | Pop songs from 2000-Today |
21st Century Rock | Rock songs from 2000-Today |
21st Century Rock and Pop Vol. 1 | Rock and Pop songs from 2000 and on. |
21st Century Rock and Pop Vol. 2 | Rock and Pop songs from 2000 and on. |
60 Years of Music | Random music from the last 60 years |
A Part of Me | Songs with Body Parts in the title |
Animal Bands | Bands with animals in the name |
Best Covers Vol. 1 | Cover versions of popular songs |
Best Singalong Songs 1 | Songs people love to sing |
Best Singalong Songs 2 | More songs people love to sing |
Big Shiny Tunes 1 | Includes music from Big Shiny Tunes Vol. 1 to Vol. 4 |
Billboard Hits 2023 | Songs at the top of the charts in 2023 |
Black History Month – 1970-2000 | Songs by Black artists 1970-2000 |
Black History Month – 2000-2023 | Songs by Black artists 2000-2023 |
Boy Bands | Ex: NSYNC, Backstreet Boys, etc. |
Boys Names | Songs with Boy names in the title |
Breakup Songs | Perfect for Valentine’s Day! |
By the Numbers | Songs with numbers in the title |
Canadian Hits | Perfect for July 1st |
Chorus First | Songs that begin with the chorus |
Christmas Songs | All the classic Christmas songs |
Classic Rock 1 | Rock music from the 60s, 70s, and 80s |
Classic Rock 2 | Rock music from the 60s, 70s, and 80s |
Colourful Titles | Songs with colours in the title |
Colours of Christmas | Songs with red, green, white, gold, etc… |
Days of the Week | Songs with days of the week in the title |
Disney Hits | The best Disney songs (volume 1) |
Drinking Songs | Songs with alcohol in the title |
Duets and Collabs | Self-explanatory… |
Emo/Pop Punk | Pop-punk, but also more Emo. For less emo, see “Pop Punk” below |
Everything 80s | Rock and Pop from the 80s |
Everything 90s | Rock and Pop from the 90s |
Female Solo Artists | Sarah McLachlan, Fiona Apple, etc… |
Food Songs | Songs with food in the title |
Girl Bands | Bands made up of or led by women. |
Girl Names | Songs with girl names in the title |
Glam Metal Hits | All the best hair and glam metal |
Grunge/Alternative | A specific cut of 90s songs |
Happy Halloween | Songs you would find on a Halloween playlist |
Happy Halloween (easier) | Songs you would typically find on a Halloween playlist |
Iconic Songs Vol. 1 | Songs that everyone knows |
Iconic Songs Vol. 2 | Songs that everyone knows |
Imperative songs | Songs that tell you what to do (ex: Just Dance, Beat It…) |
Love Songs | Perfect for Valentine’s Day |
Love to Hate | Songs that are notoriously hated by people. |
Modern Hits | Hits from the 90s and up |
Motown | The best from the Motor City |
Now! Vol. 1 | Includes music from “Now!” compilations Vol. 1 to Vol. 4 |
Occupations | Songs with jobs or occupations in the title |
Oldies Vol. 1 | Classic “oldies” from the 50s and 60s |
One-Hit Wonders Vol 1 | A crowd favourite! |
One-Hit Wonders Vol 2 | More crowd favourites! |
One-Hit Wonders Vol 3 | No, really: they love this stuff! |
One-Word Titles Vol. 1 | Simple. Brief. |
One-Word Titles Vol. 2 | More one-word titles. |
Pop-Punk | Pop-punk, now with less Emo. |
Places in the title | Songs with cities, countries, etc. in the title |
R&B Vol. 1 | Get cozy. People might start making out. |
Red & Black | Songs with red or black in the title (good for Halloween) |
R&R Hall of Fame Vol. 1 | R&R HOF Inductees |
R&R Hall of Fame Vol. 2 | R&R HOF Inductees |
Say It Again! | Songs where a word is repeated in the title (“Mony, Money” or “Gimme, Gimme, Gimme”) |
S-Bands | Bands or artists that start with “S” |
Songs from Movies | SOngs found in or written for movies (excl. Disney) |
Taylor Swift | All Taylor. All the time. |
The Bottom of the 500 | The bottom from the Rolling Stone Top 500 |
THE Bands | Bands that start with “THE” |
The Hits | Hit songs from every era |
The Rockin’ 90s | Rock music from the 1990s |
The Beatles | A collection of Beatles material. |
TV Themes | Songs used as TV themes. TWIST: it lists TV shows instead of artists. |
WWWWWH | Songs with Who, What, Where, When, Why or How in the title |